
Several members of the School of Management Sciences presented their research during the 35th Annual SAIMS Conference 2024, which was hosted by the Department of Business Management at Stellenbosch University, from 8 to 11 September 2024 at STIAS (Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study). 

The Southern African Institute for Management Scientists (SAIMS) was established in 1988 with the purpose of promoting the interests of Management Scientists in Southern Africa and also act as a forum to discuss management education and research.

Papers presented included:

  • Asah, F.T. Formal financial institutions’ financing criteria for family businesses in South Africa. 
  • Farrington, S.M., Ismail, R.  & Nkotha, A.  Conceptualising a university-based student entrepreneurial ecosystem framework. (Won Best Paper Award)
  • Ferreira, D., Jonas, A., Schmäh, M. & Kern, S.  E-shopping expectations:  A comparative study between South Africa and Germany.
  • Human-Van Eyk & Ferreira, D.  Who am I?  An exploration of extant brand identity models and frameworks.
  • Krüger, J., Perks, S. & Delport, J.  Influence of Covid-19 on effective inventory management decisions in the South African automotive component manufacturing industry. 
  • Kupangwa, W., Farrington, S.M & Venter, E.  Exploring the role of values on innovation practices in indigenous black African family businesses.
  • Kupangwa, W., Farrington, S.M & Venter, E.  Sustainability practices in South African family businesses:  Perspectives from an emerging economy.
  • Monakali, S., Jonas, A. & Tait, M.  Influential factors that shape purchasing behaviours for luxury goods within the LGBTQI+ consumer segment. 
  • Muller, R.  Work engagement factors influencing the sustainability practices of autorotative retailers in South Africa.
  • Xolile, A., Goldman, D.  & Phiri, F.  The influence of financial socialisation techniques and financial knowledge on young black individuals financial behaviour.

During a gala dinner event at the Morgenhof Wine Estate on 10 September, Professor Farrington, along with co-authors Riyaad Ismail and Atlehang Nkotha, received the Best Paper Award for their work titled "Conceptualising a university-based student entrepreneurial ecosystem framework (U-B(S)EE)". Their framework promises significant practical implications for university stakeholders by enhancing understanding of system elements and their interactions, and by providing a foundation for evaluating existing U-B(S)EEs.

Meanwhile, Professor Venter was awarded the SAIMS Lifetime Achievement Award. This accolade acknowledges her longstanding dedication to SAIMS and her substantial contributions to Management Sciences in South Africa. Elmarie has been a member of SAIMS since 1998 and was the Chairperson of the Board of directors of SAIMS from 2010-2015.  In addition, she was the Organiser and Conference Chair of the SAIMS Annual Conference in 2009 and 2019.  Her impact extends beyond academia, having consulted to and supported hundreds of family businesses across South Africa. This marks only the second time SAIMS has bestowed its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award.