
Prof Miemie Struwig and Mr Storm Watson attended the recent 19th Annual International Conference on Management held on 28-30 June & 1 July 2021. The conference accepted in-person and remote (online) presentations and was hosted by the Athens Institute for Education and Research in Athens, Greece.


Mr Watson virtually presented his and Prof Struwig’s joint research paper titled “Working capital management research in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic”. The purpose of the study was to provide a critical analysis of working capital management research in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic.


This research uses 5 stages to investigate working capital management research and critically analyse and propose ways to deal with working capital management during each stage. The 5 stages deal with the following:

Stage 1: The global recession of 2009

Stage 2: Managing working capital during the pandemic

Stage 3: Working capital management during extreme change

Stage 4: Working capital management post pandemic

Stage 5: Managing working capital in the new economic order


Contact information
Prof Miemie Struwig
Professor in Business Management
Tel: 041 504 2475

Mr Storm Watson
Lecturer in Business Management
Tel: 041 504 4065