Members of the NMU Family Business Unit and Department of Business Management, Prof Elmarie Venter and Prof Shelley Farrington, met up with Prof Anneleen Michiels at Nelson Mandela University during the week of 3-7 April. Anneleen is an Associate Professor in Finance and Family Business at the Research Centre for Entrepreneurship and Family Firms at the University of Hasselt, Belgium. Possible collaborations concerning post-graduate research projects, as well as doctoral students and staff exchanges, were discussed.

During the same period, Prof Shelley Farrington and Dr Welcome Kupangwa (Post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Business Management and member of the NMU Family Business Unit) met up with Mr Riyaad Ismail from the University of Antwerp (Belgium) to discuss learning and teaching opportunities as well as future research collaborations. In 2021 Riyaad completed his Masters degree in the Department of Business Management at Nelson Mandela University and is currently working as a researcher at the University of Antwerp. Riyaad has recently accepted a PhD position at the University of Antwerp, which starts in September.